Dilly & Carlo embarked on its journey in 1987 with a clear vision: to establish a distinguished local designer-wear fashion brand in Sri Lanka. Over the past 35 years, we've proudly emerged as leaders in the retail industry, renowned for our commitment to quality, durability, and sustainability.
Our success stems from the dedication and talent of our in-house team, who meticulously design and manufacture all our materials and creations.
At Dilly & Carlo, we strive to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, blending unparalleled craftsmanship with a deep understanding of Sri Lankan culture and lifestyle. Join us on a journey where every garment tells a story of elegance, innovation, and timeless style.
Our success stems from the dedication and talent of our in-house team, who meticulously design and manufacture all our materials and creations.
At Dilly & Carlo, we strive to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, blending unparalleled craftsmanship with a deep understanding of Sri Lankan culture and lifestyle. Join us on a journey where every garment tells a story of elegance, innovation, and timeless style.